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Croatian Competition Agency Ends Investigation into Alleged Price Fixing Agreement

19.11.2024 | šŸ‡­šŸ‡· Croatian competition authority

The Croatian Competition Agency terminated a proceeding against two undertakings after finding no evidence of a prohibited price fixing agreement on wheat purchase prices.

The Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) terminated a proceeding against Čakovečki mlinovi d.d. and Tvornica stočne hrane d.d. after receiving allegations of a possible secret price arrangement on wheat purchase prices in 2022.

The CCA conducted a market investigation and found that the undertakings had identical wheat purchase prices for five grades of wheat in 2020, 2021, and 2022, leading to the initiation of an infringement proceeding under the Competition Act.

Despite a surprise inspection and analysis of evidence, the CCA found no proof of illegal contact or a prohibited agreement between the undertakings, leading to the termination of the proceeding due to lack of substantiated evidence.

The CCA emphasized that identical prices alone do not prove collusion and that undertakings can adapt to market conditions without engaging in anti-competitive behavior.

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