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KP Offers Free Online Seminar on Competition Law for Associations

31.07.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority

The Competition Council invites representatives of associations to a free online seminar on the application of competition law.

The Competition Council (KP) is organizing a free online seminar on the application of competition law for associations, scheduled for August 14th from 11:00 to 12:30 on the MS Teams platform.

Businesses, including associations, must comply with competition laws when engaging in economic activities, whether individually or through their members.

Associations often perform economic activities related to delegated state tasks, making it crucial for them to avoid restricting competition, such as by imposing unjustified barriers to market entry or discriminating against market participants dependent on the association's functions.

The seminar aims to educate associations on the fundamental principles of applying competition law to prevent anticompetitive practices and potential severe penalties.

The online seminar will cover topics such as the applicability of competition laws to associations, considerations for associations with delegated state tasks, prohibited activities that restrict competition, and examples from Latvian and EU competition law practices.

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