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ROZ Adjusts Real Estate Contracts Following ACM Intervention

09.04.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

Real estate platform ROZ has modified its model contracts for office and retail spaces after discussions with the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), removing automatic inflation indexation and allowing for negotiation between lessors and lessees on rent adjustments.

The Dutch Real Estate Council (ROZ) revised its model contracts for renting office and retail spaces, eliminating automatic rent adjustments tied to the consumer price index (CPI) following concerns raised by the ACM. The inclusion of automatic adjustments in the contracts was deemed anti-competitive, leading to the need for negotiability between lessors and lessees. ROZ's model contracts, considered the market standard, were used by professional real estate organizations, with the change now offering more flexibility for parties to decide on rent adjustments through mutual agreement. Trade associations are prohibited from advising on prices to avoid competition restrictions, and ACM ensures proper implementation of the adjusted model contracts.

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