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Consumer Rights Guidance from Five Institutions in Response to Floods

27.09.2024 | 馃嚨馃嚤 Polish competition authority

Learn how to effectively obtain insurance assistance after a flood, as well as passenger rights in case of trip cancellations, and how to address issues with telecommunications and utility services.

Five institutions in Poland are providing guidance on consumer rights during fundraising efforts, insurance assistance after floods, and passenger rights in case of trip cancellations. They also offer advice on dealing with telecommunications and utility service disruptions, such as reporting power outages and damaged meters, as well as handling situations involving flooded electrical installations or gas appliances.

The institutions sharing this information are the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), the Financial Ombudsman (RF), the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), the Energy Regulatory Office (URE), and the Office of Electronic Communications (UTK).

Consumers are encouraged to seek assistance and share this valuable information further to ensure they are aware of their rights and know where to turn for help in various situations related to floods, insurance, travel, telecommunications, and utilities.

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