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ACM's Monitor Shows Stable Energy Costs for Consumers Despite Changes in Taxes and Tariffs

10.01.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has reported that average costs for natural gas and electricity remained the same for households in January 2024 compared to December 2023, despite changes in taxes and tariffs.

According to the Monitor on the consumer energy market by ACM, households in the Netherlands paid the same amount for energy contracts in January 2024 as they did in December 2023. While system operation costs increased, taxes on natural gas were raised and taxes on electricity were lowered. However, supply tariffs decreased significantly, offsetting the other changes. The lifting of the price cap also allowed consumers to pay the prices in their energy contracts. The report also revealed an increase in the number of suppliers offering fixed contracts and dynamic contracts, with some suppliers offering fixed contracts to households with solar panels. Consumers are encouraged to explore more economical contracts and switch energy suppliers if they are paying more.

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