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10.06.2024 | 🇪🇪 Estonian competition authority
The Competition Authority's main focus in 2023 was on supervising monopolistic companies and restructuring competition services. The aim was to ensure reliable and quality services for consumers, open markets, and fair prices.
The year was marked by over a thousand administrative procedures, including nearly 300 price investigations and over 600 complaints or inquiries in sectors like water, district heating, and gas. Economic regulation efforts led to price reductions in various regions, resulting in approximately 70 million euros in consumer benefits.
In 2024, the Authority plans to enhance competition supervision, particularly through regular and ad-hoc market analyses, while also prioritizing awareness-raising and competency-building activities. The strategic goal of the 2023 strategy is to strengthen the Authority's ability to address current and future challenges in competition supervision and economic regulation.
The Competition Authority conducts national oversight in areas such as competition, unfair trading practices, electricity, natural gas, district heating, postal services, water supply, sewage, railways, aviation, and ports.
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