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GVH Conference Explores Impact of Administrative Adjudication on Competition Law in Hungary

26.06.2024 | 🇭🇺 Hungarian competition authority

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) held its fourth professional conference within the Hungarian Compliance Academy, focusing on the relationship between administrative adjudication and competition law.

A recent conference organized by the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) within the Hungarian Compliance Academy (MCA) discussed the connection between administrative adjudication and competition law, addressing issues such as the effectiveness of public interest enforcement and the application of EU competition law in Hungary.

The GVH initiated the MCA to promote compliance among businesses, enhance competitiveness, restore economic growth, and increase social welfare through educational conferences.

Since its launch in February, the MCA has organized three conferences covering topics such as challenges of the previous year, combating inflation, the role of compliance in competitiveness, and the development of cartel law in Hungary.

The fourth event focused on the impact of administrative adjudication on the effective enforcement of European competition law in Hungary, exploring various aspects such as public interest enforcement, the application of EU competition law, interpretation of procedural rights and principles across EU member states, and the legislative role in resolving differences in legal interpretations.

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