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Competition Council Imposes Fines on Companies for Anti-Competitive Agreement in Lithuania

14.11.2024 | 🇱🇹 Lithuanian competition authority

The Competition Council in Lithuania fined Giantera and 19 distributors for agreeing not to sell food supplements and cosmetics at prices lower than the supplier's prices, restricting discounts and promotions for consumers.

The Competition Council in Lithuania found that Giantera and 19 distributors of Dr. Ohhira products had an anti-competitive agreement not to sell food supplements and cosmetics below the supplier's prices, limiting discounts and promotions for consumers. The companies were fined a total of €1,415,520 for this prohibited practice.

Between 2015 and 2022, Giantera and various distributors aimed to maintain higher selling prices for Dr. Ohhira's products, including pharmacies, clinics, and other distributors. Giantera enforced strict pricing policies, prohibiting discounts or promotions on their products.

Giantera monitored distributors' prices, warned them against non-compliance, and threatened to halt the supply of goods. Distributors also monitored each other's prices and informed Giantera of any price undercutting, creating a coordinated effort to maintain higher prices.

The Chairwoman of the Competition Council emphasized that such agreements harm competition by preventing independent pricing policies, competition among distributors, and ultimately leading to higher prices for consumers. The companies involved were fined based on their revenues, the gravity, and duration of the violation.

Some companies, like the Entafarma Group and the EV group, cooperated with the investigation, leading to reduced fines. Others, like Atgijos vaistinė, Soderma, Žvejų vaistinė, Eurovaistinė, and UnaVita, were not found to be involved in the anti-competitive agreement.

Companies have the option to appeal the Competition Council's decision within one month of delivery or publication on the institution's website.

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