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Croatian Competition Agency Hosts Workshop on Recent Competition Law Developments

13.10.2024 | 🇭🇷 Croatian competition authority

Representatives from the Croatian Competition Agency conducted a workshop on recent competition law developments at the Judicial Academy in Zagreb.

On 11th October, the Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) organized a workshop at the Judicial Academy in Zagreb to discuss recent developments in competition law. The workshop was opened by Mirta Kapural, PhD, president of the Competition Council, who provided an introduction to competition law and explained prohibited agreements, such as cartels, using a real-life example from Split.

Vesna Patrlj, head of the Competition Division, discussed the procedures of the CCA, recent amendments to the Competition Act, and the concept of settlement in competition law. Hrvoje Ĺ eremet, a Council member, talked about prohibited horizontal and vertical agreements in competition law, drawing examples from the CCA, the European Commission, and the EU courts.

The workshop was attended by 17 participants, including judges from commercial and administrative courts, as well as representatives from the State Attorney’s Office (DORH).

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