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ACM Prepares to Introduce Feed-in Tariff for Large Energy Producers in the Netherlands

02.10.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is laying the groundwork for implementing a feed-in tariff to ensure fair distribution of rising grid costs among all users, including large electricity producers.

The ACM is planning to introduce a feed-in tariff to address the increasing costs of grid expansions and upgrades, aiming for a fair distribution of these expenses among all users of the grid, including feeders and foreign buyers of electricity.

With projections indicating a significant rise in grid costs over the next 25 years, the ACM is exploring how feeders like power plants and solar parks can help offset these expenses through the feed-in tariff, which would also involve foreign buyers contributing to the Dutch grid's maintenance costs.

As part of the National Action Program for Grid Congestion, the ACM initiated a study in 2023 to investigate the feasibility of a feed-in tariff, engaging with stakeholders and regulators from neighboring countries to explore options for its implementation in the Netherlands.

Consultancy CE Delft conducted a study on various tariff structures for the feed-in system, assessing their impact on the energy mix, competitive positions of feeders, grid burden, and energy costs. The study highlighted improvements in cost reflectivity and grid burden with the feed-in tariff, aligning with social criteria such as transparency and non-discrimination.

Market participants, including system operators and energy producers, have expressed expectations and concerns regarding the feed-in tariff's introduction, with operators foreseeing enhanced grid efficiency and producers raising issues about sustainable energy business models. The ACM plans to consider these inputs in finalizing the phased introduction of the feed-in tariff, with a draft decision expected to be published in 2025.

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