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EU-funded Project to Analyze Digital Markets in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania

17.09.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority

A project funded by the European Union aims to assess competition challenges in digital markets in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania, with recommendations to address any identified issues.

A project funded by the European Union under the Technical Support Instrument will focus on digital markets, particularly e-commerce platforms in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania, and their ecosystems. It aims to evaluate potential competition challenges in each country's market.

The project involves the competition authorities of Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, along with the OECD, working together to provide technical support in assessing and ensuring competitiveness in the digital markets of the three countries.

The kickoff event for the project took place in Vilnius on September 12, 2024, with representatives from the OECD, the European Commission, and the competition authorities of Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania outlining the project's goals and upcoming actions.

The market study will analyze selected digital markets in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania, focusing on online platforms and their ecosystems from a competition perspective. Experts from the OECD will also examine regulations in the three countries to identify any regulatory gaps hindering competition issue resolutions.

If issues are identified in the digital markets, the OECD will provide recommendations for effectively addressing them. The estimated duration of the project is 21 months.

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