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GVH's Digital Awareness Program Takes Collaboration to New Level

17.09.2024 | 🇭🇺 Hungarian competition authority

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) expands its Digital Awareness program by partnering with the Teach for Hungary program to reach more children and students.

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has signed a collaboration agreement with the National Talent Center Nonprofit Ltd. and the Teach for Hungary Foundation to extend the reach of its Digital Awareness program to more children and schools. This partnership will involve university student mentors trained by GVH, alongside the authority's experts, in educating children on becoming more conscious consumers in the digital world.

The GVH launched the Digital Awareness program in the second half of 2023 to raise awareness about online dangers for children and prepare students for mindful internet use. Following successful sessions in 52 schools and 175 classes reaching over 4000 students in the spring semester of 2024, the GVH will start the new school year with an updated program based on feedback from the previous term.

Through a recent collaboration agreement signed by the GVH, the National Talent Center, and the Teach for Hungary Foundation, the initiative will now involve university student mentors from the Teach for Hungary program, enabling a wider reach of the Digital Awareness program to more children.

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