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ACM Cracks Down on Fake Reviews to Combat Online Deception

22.08.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is intensifying its efforts against the sale of fake reviews, aiming to protect consumers from online deception.

The ACM is taking action against the sale of fake reviews, marking a new phase in its fight against online deception. Investigations are being launched into market participants that sell fake reviews, following previous actions against websites that used them.

Consumers rely on online reviews to make informed choices, and fake reviews can mislead them into making wrong decisions. ACM can impose fines of up to 900,000 euros per violation on fake-review sellers and online stores that use fake reviews.

ACM's focus on combating online deception aims to create a fair environment for consumers to make purchases. The authority provides information to remind consumers and businesses of their rights and duties, taking action against deceptive practices like misleading countdown timers and false pricing strategies.

Online-store owners are reminded of their responsibility to comply with rules, as highlighted in ACM's Guidelines on the Protection of the Online Consumer. The authority also emphasizes that businesses must ensure their online stores adhere to regulations, as owners remain accountable for any violations on their websites.

ACM offers guidance to consumers on how to assess the reliability of online stores and properly evaluate reviews, recognizing the challenges they face in distinguishing trustworthy platforms.

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