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Record High: Over 97% of "Green Energy" Sold in Spain Backed by CNMC Origin Guarantees in 2023

16.05.2024 | 🇪🇸 Spanish competition authority

In 2023, more than 97% of the "green energy" commercialized in Spain was supported by the CNMC's Origin Guarantee System, with over 134 million guarantees issued.

During 2023, the CNMC's Origin Guarantee System in Spain saw a significant rise in the number of guarantees issued, totaling 134 million, with over 46,000 generation facilities receiving guarantees for 'renewable and high-efficiency cogeneration'.

The Origin Guarantee System is crucial for electricity suppliers to inform customers about the source and environmental impact of the electricity they sell, preventing misleading claims about the 'green' origin of their offerings.

Managed by the CNMC, the Origin Guarantee System provides electronic accreditation ensuring the volume of MWh generated from renewable sources or high-efficiency cogeneration within a specific timeframe.

In 2023, 209 suppliers participated in the system, representing 88% of all energy sold in Spain, with over 46,000 electricity generation facilities from renewable sources and high-efficiency cogeneration taking part in the Origin Guarantee System.

A record number of over 8 million consumers had their electricity sourced from guarantees of origin redeemed, a process where specific guarantees are assigned to individual consumers through their supply point code or tax identification number.

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