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Andalucía Bans Entry of Hazardous Waste from Other Regions

15.04.2024 | 🇵🇹 Portuguese competition authority

Andalucía has implemented a ban on hazardous waste from other autonomous communities, a move criticized for being disproportionate and violating specific laws.

Andalucía and La Rioja have implemented regulations limiting the entry of hazardous waste from other Spanish regions. The CNMC has criticized Andalucía's ban for rejecting waste based on the region of origin rather than proximity, deeming it disproportionate and in breach of competition laws.

On the other hand, La Rioja's Waste Management Plan includes a maximum distance for landfill disposal, applying the proximity principle to waste generated both within and outside the region.

The CNMC has challenged Castilla-La Mancha's prohibition of a low-voltage electrical installation by an engineer, deeming it unjustified and in violation of competition laws for lacking a legitimate public interest reason.

The CNMC is examining regulations on providing tourist guide services with vehicles under nine seats, highlighting conflicts with the Land Transport Regulation Law regarding private transport services and VTC authorizations.

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