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21.07.2024 | 🇪🇺 European Commission
The European Commission has accepted commitments by Vifor to address concerns of potentially anticompetitive behavior in the market for intravenous iron medicines in Europe. Vifor, a pharmaceutical company, was found to potentially hinder competition by disseminating misleading information about the safety of a competitor's iron deficiency treatment, Monofer, in favor of its own product, Ferinject.
The Commission's preliminary concerns focused on Vifor's potential dominance in several national markets for intravenous iron medicines and its actions that may have restricted competition and amounted to an abuse of dominant position under EU competition rules.
To address these concerns, Vifor offered commitments including launching a communication campaign to rectify past misleading messages, refraining from using unauthorized information in promotional communications, and implementing compliance measures. The Commission found these commitments satisfactory and legally binding on Vifor.
The affected industries include Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare, with a focus on intravenous iron medicines. The legal areas involved are Abuse of Dominance and Anticompetitive Agreements. The competition law issues include Exclusionary Abuse and Refusal to Deal.
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