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Latvian Competition Council Receives Merger Notification for Dobeles dzirnavnieks and Brueggen International GmbH

30.10.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority

The Latvian Competition Council received a merger notification regarding the acquisition of RĪGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS by Dobeles dzirnavnieks and Brueggen International GmbH.

Akciju sabiedrība “Dobeles dzirnavnieks” and Brueggen International GmbH have submitted a merger notification to the Latvian Competition Council for the joint acquisition of Akciju sabiedrība “RĪGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS”. AS “Dobeles dzirnavnieks” is a Latvian company engaged in grain processing, food production, and grain procurement, while Brueggen International GmbH, based in Germany, specializes in producing high-quality breakfast cereals for Central and Eastern European markets.

AS “RĪGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS” is a Latvian company involved in the production and sale of flour, bran, breakfast cereals, and porridge. Following the merger, AS “RĪGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS” is planned to become a joint venture of AS “Dobeles dzirnavnieks” and Brueggen, focusing on oat product manufacturing, with each participant holding a 50% stake in AS “RĪGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS”.

The merger participants' activities overlap in the oat flakes and oat procurement markets in Latvia. The Competition Council must make a decision on approving, prohibiting, or approving with binding conditions the merger within one month of receiving the notification. If further in-depth investigation is required, the decision-making deadline may be extended up to three months from the notification date.

Market participants or other interested parties wishing to provide their opinion on the planned merger's impact on competition are invited to contact the Competition Council economist Sanda Blaua (sanda.blaua@kp.gov.lv) or fill out the questionnaire available on the website by November 14, 2024.

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