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Twenty Operators to Finance Universal Telecommunications Service in 2020

12.01.2024 | 🇪🇸 Spanish competition authority

The CNMC has approved the distribution of the net cost of the universal telecommunications service, with the four major telecom groups contributing 96% of the cost.

The CNMC has approved the distribution of the net cost of the universal telecommunications service for 2020. Telefónica, Orange, Vodafone, and MasMóvil will finance the majority of the cost, with a total of twenty operators contributing to the National Universal Service Fund. The CNMC calculates the cost for Telefónica to provide the universal service and determines the contributions of different operators. The process involves verifying the cost estimation, determining the final net cost, and distributing the cost among operators. The contributions for 2020 amounted to €9.83 million.

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