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11.07.2024 | 🇩🇰 Danish competition authority
The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority is conducting an analysis of the market for cloud services for businesses and the public sector. This investigation is not initiated under the new rules on market investigations in the Competition Act §15f.
Cloud services are crucial in the Danish economy and are expected to grow in importance. They play a central role in digital development and support IT operations in most Danish companies, including solutions with artificial intelligence. Competition authorities in several other countries have highlighted competition issues in the cloud market.
The purpose of analyzing competition in the market for cloud services is to gain a better understanding of the market, including its players and services. Additionally, the analysis aims to provide the authority with insights into potential competition problems experienced by Danish companies and public organizations.
The Competition and Consumer Authority encourages stakeholders to contribute issues or facts that may impact competition in the market for cloud services for businesses and the public sector. Interested parties can contact project leader Erik Dahlberg or chief consultant Kirstine Rødsgaard Madsen for input.
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