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06.11.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority
The President of UOKiK initiated six new proceedings against companies such as Bridgestone Poznań, Bruk-Bet, Eaton Automotive Systems, Metalkas, Przedsiębiorstwo Dystrybucji Farmaceutycznej SLAWEX, and Rockfin for excessively delaying payments to their suppliers.
Prior to commencing the proceedings, UOKiK issued soft interventions to these entities to signal observed irregularities in payment practices and urge them to promptly improve.
These soft interventions aim to quickly address identified irregularities and potential payment gridlock, giving businesses the opportunity to promptly settle their arrears. UOKiK plans to issue more interventions to entrepreneurs in the near future if payment discipline does not improve.
The interventions also contribute to a broader prevention strategy, shaping entrepreneurs' awareness and payment culture, and enabling specific businesses to change their practices. Since the beginning of 2024, the President of UOKiK has issued soft interventions to 37 entrepreneurs.
UOKiK will calculate monetary fines for entrepreneurs based on the amended 2022 law on combating excessive delays in fulfilling monetary obligations. The fine amount will be determined in two stages, considering not only the value of overdue payments and the length of delays but also the gravity and circumstances of the violation, actions taken by the entrepreneur to cease the violation, and cooperation with the Authority during the proceedings.
Key information about the competencies of the President of UOKiK regarding payment delays can be found on a dedicated webpage. The page provides insights into what payment delays entail, when the President can intervene, how to report non-compliant businesses, and who can do so.
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