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CNMC Deregulates Submarine Trunk Routes Market in Spain

05.08.2024 | 🇪🇸 Spanish competition authority

The CNMC has decided to deregulate the market of trunk leased lines in Spain, except for specific submarine routes, leading to increased competition in the wholesale market.

The CNMC has deregulated the market of trunk leased lines in Spain, with the exception of nine specific submarine routes connecting smaller islands with larger ones and Ceuta and Melilla with the mainland. Telefónica was previously obligated to offer high-capacity trunk lines to other operators at CNMC-determined prices in these routes.

The CNMC observed significant deployments of next-generation broadband networks, particularly fiber, in these territories, leading to a higher penetration rate compared to the national average. New alternative cables to Telefónica have been deployed or planned in all routes except one, resulting in increased competition in the wholesale market.

As a result, the CNMC will remove the obligations imposed on Telefónica within 6 months and will monitor the competitive dynamics in these routes post-deregulation.

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