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Surprise Antitrust Raids Target Coffee, Chocolate, and Baby Food Markets

18.12.2024 | 🇬🇷 Greek competition authority

The Competition Commission conducted surprise inspections in the coffee, chocolate, and baby food sectors to investigate potential anti-competitive practices.

On December 17 and 18, the Competition Commission (ΕΑ) carried out surprise inspections as part of a self-initiated investigation into a company operating in the supply, trade, wholesale, and retail markets of coffee, chocolate, and baby food. The focus of the investigation is on possible anti-competitive horizontal and/or vertical agreements, as well as potential abuse of dominant position, in violation of Articles 1 and 2 of Law 3959/2011 and Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

The inspections are conducted in businesses or associations of businesses from which evidence of anti-competitive practices can be collected in the investigated markets. It is important to note that these inspections do not imply that the companies involved have engaged in anti-competitive behavior, nor do they pre-determine the outcome of the investigation.

The ΕΑ, as the guardian of the proper functioning of the free market, is responsible for enforcing competition rules based on Law 3959/2011 and Articles 101/102 TFEU. Articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU prohibit agreements between businesses that have the object or effect of restricting competition.

Additionally, Article 1A of Law 3959/2011 prohibits unilateral practices that invite prohibited agreements and the announcement of future pricing intentions to competitors. Articles 2 of Law 3959/2011 and 102 TFEU prohibit abusive behavior by companies with a dominant market position.

The ΕΑ emphasizes that it will prioritize interventions where necessary and will examine any relevant cases that come to its attention, whether through complaints, leniency applications, or anonymous reports via a secure digital environment. The Commission will impose strict administrative penalties on companies that engage in anti-competitive practices based on the provisions of Law 3959/2011 and Articles 101/102 TFEU.

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