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Consumer Ombudsman Urges Reimbursement Claims Against Bondora for Unlawful Credit Costs

22.05.2024 | 🇫🇮 Finnish competition authority

Bondora, a credit company, has been unlawfully charging consumers credit interest and fees exceeding the legal cap, prompting the Consumer Ombudsman to urge affected consumers to seek reimbursement for the excess amounts.

Bondora has been found to charge credit interest and fees unlawfully to consumers, exceeding the legal interest rate cap set by the Consumer Protection Act. The Market Court prohibited Bondora from collecting costs based on the original credit amount rather than the remaining principal, deeming it in violation of consumer protection laws.

Consumers who entered credit agreements with Bondora between September 2019 and November 2021 are urged to claim reimbursement for the excess credit costs. Despite the Market Court's ruling, Bondora has not voluntarily reimbursed customers, leading the Consumer Ombudsman to intervene on behalf of affected consumers.

Consumers can claim reimbursement for both active and fully repaid credit agreements with Bondora, except for those in legal recovery. The Consumer Ombudsman highlights that consumers who have received a European payment order can still claim compensation by objecting to the order if it includes demands for repayment of unlawful credit costs.

The Consumer Ombudsman demands an increased conditional fine of one million euros for Bondora's negligence in complying with the Market Court's ruling. They seek a prohibition on Bondora's actions that harm consumers by exceeding the interest rate cap, emphasizing the need for consumer rights protection.

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