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21.10.2024 | đŠđč Austrian competition authority
FCC Austria Abfall Service AG was found to have engaged in anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing, market allocation, and sharing sensitive information with competitors in waste management public and private tenders in Austria from July 2002 to March 2021.
The decision against FCC has been finalized, with the company cooperating extensively with the authorities from the beginning of the investigations under the leniency program, leading to full immunity from fines due to its early and complete cooperation.
The violations in the waste management sector involved collusion in pricing, market sharing, and information exchange related to public and private tenders, enabling companies to secure contracts, reduce uncertainties in future business activities, and maintain market shares, creating a cartel structure that spanned across Austria.
The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) has already requested a fine of EUR 7.085 million against the second whistleblower, Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG, for their involvement in the waste cartel.
Under the leniency program, companies like FCC can receive reduced fines or immunity from fines by assisting in uncovering cartel activities, as long as certain conditions are met.
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