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11.03.2024 | 🇩🇪 Bundeskartellamt website
Novartis AG, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, has been cleared by the Bundeskartellamt to acquire MorphoSys AG, a German biotechnology company specializing in drugs for leukaemia. The acquisition, valued at 2.7 billion euros, involves the development of active substances for the treatment of myelofibrosis, a type of leukaemia. The Bundeskartellamt's investigation focused on the potential impact on competition in the market for myelofibrosis treatments, particularly in light of the upcoming authorization of MorphoSys's new active substance, "Pelabresib," intended for use in combination with Novartis's existing drug, "Ruxolitinib." The competition authority found that the merger is not expected to significantly impede effective competition in the market, as there are numerous alternative active substances in development and generics expected to enter the market.
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