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26.06.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority
The Competition Council (KP) has identified that information displayed on the websites and internal systems of several water management service providers and capital companies offering management services is often incomplete and difficult for clients to understand. This incomplete information can create an unlevel playing field for competitors and may breach Section 14.1 of the Competition Law.
In a specific case involving SIA 'Jelgavas nekustamā īpašuma pārvalde', KP found that the company was not providing complete information on its website and internal systems regarding collaboration partners authorized to replace water consumption meters. After KP intervention, the company rectified the potential breach by publishing information on all collaboration partners, ensuring fair treatment of market participants.
Upon reviewing information provided by other water management service providers and municipal capital companies, KP observed that in most cases, details on water meter replacement procedures and authorized partners were unclear or missing, indicating a lack of transparency and potentially hindering market competition.
KP emphasizes that public entities, including state and municipal capital companies offering water management or related services, must comply with Competition Law Section 14.1 to avoid unjustly restricting competition and discriminating against other market players. Additionally, in accordance with State Administration Structure Law, public entities' capital companies should refrain from providing services that private sector companies can offer.
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