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28.11.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has set the tariffs for Dutch distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission system operator (TSO) TenneT for 2025, leading to an approximate 11% increase in costs for electricity and natural gas transport for businesses and households. This translates to around 60 euros per year per average household.
In 2025, users of distribution systems will collectively pay 7.9 billion euros for transport costs, with users of TenneT's high-voltage grid and extra-high-voltage grid contributing around 2.6 billion euros.
The tariff hike is attributed to necessary major investments in grid upgrades and expansions by system operators to accommodate the increasing demand for electricity due to the shift from fossil fuels to sustainable sources. TenneT also requires significant investments in the off-shore grid to meet climate goals.
ACM annually determines the tariffs based on operators' proposals, ensuring adequate revenues for maintenance, depreciation, capital costs, and investments. The principle is that grid users should cover the costs they generate, promoting fair distribution of total expenses among all users.
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