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Competition Authority Approves Merger in Animal By-Product Processing and Wholesale Trade Sector

10.06.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

Latvia's Competition Authority has approved the merger of companies involved in processing animal by-products and wholesale trade, citing no significant harm to competition.

Latvia's Competition Authority (KP) has approved the merger allowing Italian conglomerate S.A.P.I.-SOCIETA AZIONARIA PRODOTTI INDUSTRIALI-SOCIETA PER AZIONI to jointly control UAB Rietavo veterinarinės sanitarijos and SIA 'Reneta' with UAB 'Imlitex Holdings' and UAB 'Duetra'.

S.A.P.I.-SOCIETA AZIONARIA PRODOTTI INDUSTRIALI-SOCIETA PER AZIONI is involved in processing animal by-products not only in Europe but globally.

UAB 'Imlitex Holdings' is engaged in holding company activities, while UAB 'Imlitex Agro', a subsidiary, trades agricultural raw materials and processed animal by-products like fats and proteins. AB 'Duetra' is a newly established company not conducting business operations.

SIA 'Reneta' collects and delivers specific risk animal by-products for disposal to its parent company in Rietava, while its plant BIOVAST Saldū in Latvia produces salmon meal and oil from fish by-products sourced from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Estonia. UAB Rietavo veterinarinės sanitarijos processes animal by-products in Lithuania.

KP notes that the merging parties and their related companies overlap in the processing and wholesale trade of category 3 animal by-products.

After evaluating the information provided by the companies and available to KP, it was concluded that the merger will not significantly alter market structure, reduce competition, or establish a dominant position in the mentioned markets in Latvia, hence the merger is permitted.

To prevent a substantial decrease in competition due to mergers, KP approval is required for transactions meeting the criteria set out in the Competition Law. This ensures state control over market concentration to avoid structural changes that could limit consumer choices or lead to purchasing goods and services at non-competitive prices.

More information on merger control in Latvia is available on the Competition Authority's website under the 'Market Participants' Mergers' section.

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