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ACM Clears Acquisition of St. Jans Gasthuis Weert Hospital by Maastricht UMC+

30.05.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has approved the acquisition of St. Jans Gasthuis Weert hospital by academic hospital Maastricht UMC+, ensuring patients and health insurers maintain sufficient choice and competition.

The ACM has approved the acquisition of St. Jans Gasthuis Weert hospital by Maastricht UMC+ after finding that patients in Limburg will still have ample healthcare options. The investigation revealed that the two hospitals cater to different catchment areas for basic and complex healthcare, with minimal overlap, and the presence of other healthcare providers in the region ensures continued choice for patients.

Furthermore, ACM assessed the impact on health insurers' bargaining power post-acquisition and found no expected deterioration. The investigation also considered the potential effects on nearby hospitals due to increased referrals between MUMC+ and SJG Weert, concluding that these hospitals can adjust their operations to accommodate any changes in patient flows.

ACM's scrutiny of mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare sector aims to maintain competition for the benefit of patients and buyers like health insurers. By ensuring competition, ACM seeks to uphold high-quality services, competitive pricing, and foster innovation in the market, ultimately safeguarding the interests of consumers and businesses.

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