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CMA Investigates Boparan's Acquisition of ForFarmers' Feed Mill Site

06.11.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that Boparan's proposed purchase of ForFarmers' Burston feed mill site could reduce competition in the supply of poultry feed to independent customers in East Anglia, potentially leading to higher costs for farmers and consumers.

A Phase 1 investigation by the CMA revealed that Boparan's acquisition of ForFarmers' Burston feed mill site may result in a substantial lessening of competition in the supply of poultry feed to independent customers in East Anglia.

The deal could give Boparan the ability and incentive to harm rival poultry meat producers, leading to increased poultry feed costs for farmers and processors, which may be passed on to retailers and consumers.

Both ForFarmers and Boparan are involved in manufacturing and supplying chicken and other types of poultry feed in the UK.

The CMA is concerned that the transaction could lead to reduced competition, higher costs, and a potential decline in the quality of services in the local area around the Burston feed mill site.

ForFarmers and Boparan have a limited time to propose solutions to address the CMA's concerns before a Phase 2 investigation is initiated.

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