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Latvian Competition Council Initiates Further Investigation into Aviation Fuel Traders' Merger

12.06.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

The Latvian Competition Council has decided to conduct a detailed investigation into the merger of SIA 'BALTIC GROUND SERVICES LV' and SIA 'Gulfstream Oil' regarding their impact on competition in the aviation fuel market.

The Latvian Competition Council has initiated an in-depth investigation into the merger of SIA 'BALTIC GROUND SERVICES LV' and SIA 'Gulfstream Oil' that began on 08.05.2024, as it aligns with the Competition Law's provisions regarding the acquisition of share capital and direct decisive influence.

'BALTIC GROUND SERVICES LV' is involved in the trade and refueling of JET A-1 aviation fuel at Riga International Airport, with related companies offering aircraft refueling services at other airports, cargo logistics, aircraft maintenance, and other aviation-related activities.

'Gulfstream Oil' is primarily engaged in the trade and refueling of JET A-1 aviation fuel at Riga International Airport, leading to overlapping activities of the merger participants in the aviation fuel market at Riga International Airport.

Considering the overlap in activities in the aviation fuel market, the Competition Council decided to conduct a detailed investigation into the merger's impact on competition in Latvia, based on the relevant provisions of the Competition Law.

Market participants or other interested parties willing to provide their opinions on the merger's impact on competition are invited to contact the Competition Council economist Sanda Blaua or fill out the opinion survey on the Competition Council's website by 21.06.2024.

For more information on the specific merger and merger control in Latvia, interested parties can refer to the Competition Council's resources.

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