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Konkurences padome to provide consultations on competition law at Kurzeme Business Forum

29.05.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority

The Competition Council representatives will offer advice on competition law matters at the upcoming business forum in Liepāja, where entrepreneurs can learn about available state support programs and conditions.

Entrepreneurs in the Kurzeme region are invited to participate in the business forum 'Financing and Support for Business in Kurzeme' in Liepāja, where they can gain comprehensive information on state and regional support programs, listen to experiences of various companies, and receive consultations from state institutions, including the Competition Council.

The forum will feature discussions on promoting sustainable development of businesses in Kurzeme with the involvement of government officials and representatives from economic zones and companies.

Additionally, various agencies will inform about current support programs for entrepreneurs, while representatives from different sectors will share their business experiences during the event.

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