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Heat Pump Manufacturer Under Investigation for Price Fixing and Restricting Competition Among Distributors

07.08.2024 | 🇱🇹 Lithuanian competition authority

The Competition Council suspects Iglu Tech, a heat pump manufacturer, of engaging in anti-competitive practices by fixing resale prices and maximum discount rates for its distributors in Lithuania.

The Competition Council in Lithuania has issued a Statement of Objections to Iglu Tech, a heat pump manufacturer, for allegedly restricting competition among its distributors. The company is accused of fixing resale prices and maximum discount rates for its products, monitoring and enforcing these prices, and potentially applying the same conditions to non-official distributors.

Axioma Servisas, a company implicated in the alleged anti-competitive agreements, is also under investigation for contributing to maintaining price levels and avoiding competition among distributors. The parent companies, Unit Invest and Axioma LT, may also face liability for the actions of their subsidiaries.

The Law on Competition in Lithuania establishes joint liability for companies within the same economic unit, holding them accountable for any violations committed by their subsidiaries. Interested parties have the opportunity to present their arguments before the Competition Council makes a final decision and imposes potential financial penalties.

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