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Investment Company Seeks Approval for Acquisition of Sport Maska Inc.

07.11.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

A report on the acquisition of Sport Maska Inc. by an investment company has been submitted to the Competition Council.

An investment company, 760203 N.B. LTD., has submitted a merger report to the Competition Council regarding the acquisition of Sport Maska Inc., a Canadian holding company managing various sports brands.

760203 N.B. LTD. is indirectly owned by Altor Fund VI, a part of Altor Equity Partners, managing private equity funds with a total asset value of over 10 billion euros and investments in various industries.

Sport Maska Inc. oversees sports-related brands like CCM Hockey, Jackson Ultima Europe, and Step Steel across Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia.

The merging parties do not operate in the same markets in Latvia and are not vertically related.

The Competition Council must make a decision on allowing, prohibiting, or allowing with binding conditions for the merger within one month of receiving the report, extendable to three months for further investigation.

Market participants or other interested parties can provide their opinions on the merger's impact on competition by contacting the Competition Council's economist Vilni Zakrevski or filling out the provided questionnaire by November 21, 2024.

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