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Challenges in Choosing Health Insurance Plans Persist in the Netherlands

03.06.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

A recent joint study by the Dutch Healthcare Authority and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets highlights the ongoing difficulty consumers face in selecting health insurance plans due to a large number of plans that offer little to no differentiation, potentially costing consumers money unnecessarily.

The study reveals that many health insurance plans in the Netherlands are too similar, making it hard for consumers to choose the best option. Consumers may end up paying more for standard plans to access additional coverage, impacting the principle of solidarity in the healthcare system. Recommendations include reducing identical insurance policies and ensuring access to all additional plans. The study aims to improve consumer choice and simplify the decision-making process. The Dutch Healthcare Authority and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets are working to address these issues and enhance the transparency and accessibility of health insurance information for consumers.

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