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Agency Approves Company Merger

18.12.2024 | 🇸🇮 Slovenian competition authority

The Slovenian Competition Protection Agency has approved the joint control acquisition of COMCOM IT by COMCOM Računalništvo and ITELIS, stating it does not violate competition laws.

The public agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the protection of competition has made a significant decision regarding the concentration of companies. It has approved the acquisition of joint control over COMCOM IT, a company specializing in information technology.

The acquiring companies, COMCOM Računalništvo - komunikacije and ITELIS, both based in Slovenia, sought to gain control over COMCOM IT located in Idrija. The agency concluded that this acquisition does not fall under the provisions of the ZPOmK-2, which governs competition law in Slovenia.

This decision indicates that the merger is not expected to harm competition in the market, allowing the involved companies to proceed with their plans without further regulatory hurdles.

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