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VAFO Fined CZK 120 Million for Price Fixing in Pet Food Sector

18.11.2024 | 🇨🇿 Czech competition authority

Pet food supplier VAFO has been fined CZK 120 million for engaging in prohibited resale price fixing agreements in the Czech Republic, impacting competition in the pet food market.

The Office for the Protection of Competition imposed a fine of CZK 120,121,000 on VAFO for engaging in prohibited vertical agreements on price fixing in the pet food supply sector. VAFO admitted its illegal conduct, leading to a reduced penalty.

VAFO, a key player in pet food production and distribution, enforced price levels on its customers from January 2013 to September 2021, restricting discounts and penalizing sellers who offered lower prices. The company's anti-competitive behavior affected nearly 30 customers and distorted competition in the Czech pet food market.

The fine imposed on VAFO could have been higher, but the Office considered the company's cooperation, termination of anti-competitive practices, and adoption of a competition compliance program. This case is the fifth instance of prohibited agreements detected by the Office in the pet food market, indicating a broader issue in the sector.

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