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Competition Council Conference on Food Industry in Latvia

13.11.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

The Competition Council is hosting a conference to analyze the dynamics of the food industry supply chain in Latvia and discuss price increases and future stability.

The Competition Council of Latvia is organizing a conference titled 'Food Industry in Latvia' at Āgenskalns Market on Friday, November 15, from 10:00 to 14:00. The conference aims to provide insights into the current state of the food industry in Latvia by examining the dynamics of the supply chain.

During the conference, there will be panel discussions involving policymakers, analysts, and researchers to evaluate price increases in the food industry, potential influencing factors, and opportunities to ensure efficiency and price stability in the food supply chain in the future.

Notable participants in the panel discussions include representatives from the Competition Council, State Chancellery, Saeima Committee, Latvian Bank, and Kantar, among others. The discussions will also feature honest experiences and historical developments shared by industry professionals from various companies.

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