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AS Infortar Plans Acquisition of AS Tallink Grupp

12.08.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

AS Infortar has submitted a merger notification to the Competition Council regarding the acquisition of AS Tallink Grupp, a leading provider of high-quality cruise and passenger transport services in the Baltic Sea region.

AS Infortar, an Estonian company operating in energy, shipping, and real estate sectors, plans to acquire AS Tallink Grupp, a major player in cruise and passenger transport services in Europe. The merger participants operate in vertically related markets of real estate leasing and hotel management.

The Competition Council must make a decision on allowing, prohibiting, or conditionally approving the merger within one month of receiving the notification. The deadline may be extended up to three months if further in-depth investigation is required.

Market participants or other interested parties can provide their opinions on the impact of the planned merger on competition by contacting the Competition Council's economist or filling out a public opinion survey by August 26, 2024.

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