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CMA's Ongoing Investigation into UK Veterinary Services Progress Update

25.09.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority

The CMA's market investigation into veterinary services for household pets in the UK is progressing, with updates on behind-the-scenes work and efforts to understand key issues.

In response to the significant public and professional interest, the CMA launched a market investigation into veterinary services for household pets in the UK. The Inquiry Group, chaired by Martin Coleman, is exploring various aspects including information provided to pet owners, competition among vet practices, profitability, and regulatory frameworks.

The CMA has conducted site visits to different types of vet practices across the UK, held roundtable discussions with veterinary professionals and animal charities, and organized 'teach-in' sessions with various organizations in the veterinary sector to gather insights and concerns.

The CMA is using its formal powers to gather information from vets and vet businesses to analyze as evidence in the investigation. Additionally, an advisory panel of veterinary nurses and surgeons has been appointed to provide clinical and practical insights throughout the investigation.

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