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17.03.2024 | 🇩🇪 Bundeskartellamt website
The Bundeskartellamt has given the green light for the merger between Barmenia Versicherungen a.G. and Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVaG, two insurance groups offering various insurance products in Germany. The merger, creating one of the largest insurance companies in Germany, is not expected to harm competition due to the presence of numerous competitors in the insurance markets. The combined entity will be the sixth largest private health insurance provider in Germany, with market shares that do not raise competition concerns. The main areas of activity for Barmenia and Gothaer, such as private health insurance and non-life insurance, will not be significantly affected by the merger. The largest insurance providers in Germany, including Allianz Group, Munich RE Group, Debeka insurance group, R+V insurance group, and Talanx Group, will continue to dominate the market.
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