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05.05.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority
The President of UOKiK suspects that Jura Poland may have engaged in a price-fixing conspiracy with authorized distributors, limiting competition and potentially inflating prices for consumers over a 10-year period.
The investigation revealed evidence suggesting that Jura Poland and authorized distributors could have coordinated minimum resale prices for coffee machines and accessories, including setting promotional prices and freebies for customers, both in traditional and online stores.
Jura Poland allegedly monitored prices set by distributors and could intervene if they fell below agreed levels, possibly pressuring compliance with the pricing agreement. Retailers might have also sought Jura Poland's intervention if they observed competitors selling at lower prices.
The UOKiK President has issued allegations against Jura Poland, a company executive responsible for distribution policy, and four key Jura coffee machine retailers, with potential fines of up to 10% of turnover for businesses and 2 million PLN for managers.
Businesses involved in the alleged anticompetitive practices have the opportunity to reduce or avoid penalties through the leniency program by cooperating with UOKiK as a 'crown witness' and providing evidence of the illegal agreement.
UOKiK also encourages anonymous whistleblowers to report anticompetitive practices through a dedicated online form ensuring complete anonymity, including towards the authority.
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