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ACM Allows Non-Firm Transmission Agreements to Promote Efficient Grid Utilization

31.01.2024 | 🇳🇱 Dutch competition authority

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has authorized system operators to offer non-firm transmission agreements, allowing businesses to receive discounts on transmission tariffs when they do not require full capacity usage.

The ACM has granted permission for system operators in the Netherlands to offer non-firm transmission agreements, which provide discounts on transmission tariffs for businesses that do not constantly require full capacity usage. This is aimed at promoting more efficient utilization of the grid and addressing congestion issues. The decision allows for the inclusion of battery storage systems, electrolysers, and charging stations for electric buses. The proposal also includes the introduction of contracts with alternative transmission rights in areas where there is still sufficient transmission capacity available. The move is part of the National Grid Congestion Action Program and will be implemented from February 2024.

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