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Competition Authority Conducts Surprise Inspection in Pet Food Sector in Greece

27.11.2024 | 🇬🇷 Greek competition authority

The Competition Authority in Greece conducted a surprise on-site inspection in the pet food sector to investigate potential anti-competitive practices, affecting the households with pet dogs and cats.

The Competition Authority in Greece carried out a surprise on-site inspection as part of a self-initiated investigation in the sector of importing/producing, wholesale, and retail sale of pet food for pet animals (dogs and cats), focusing on possible anti-competitive vertical agreements in violation of competition laws.

Studies estimate that the population of pet dogs in Greece in 2021 is around 660,000, while for cats it is approximately 605,000. The cost of purchasing pet food has reportedly surged in the last two years, becoming a significant expense for households. Consumer price index for pet products in Greece has been consistently higher than the Eurozone's index since July 2023, although on a downward trajectory.

The inspections target businesses or business associations to gather data on anti-competitive practices in the markets under investigation, without prejudging their involvement in such behavior or the outcome of the investigation.

The Competition Authority, as the guardian of free market operation, enforces competition rules based on national legislation and EU Treaty articles, prohibiting agreements restricting competition, unilateral practices inviting prohibited collusion, and abuse of dominance in the market.

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