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EU Directive on Unfair Trade Practices in Agricultural Supply Chain

02.10.2024 | 🇸🇮 Slovenian competition authority

The European Commission conducts an annual survey using questionnaires to assess the effectiveness of measures taken by EU member states in implementing the Directive on Unfair Trade Practices in the agricultural and food supply chain.

The European Parliament and Council adopted Directive (EU) 2019/633 on Unfair Trade Practices in the agricultural and food supply chain on April 17, 2019. Member states were required to transpose the Directive into their national legal frameworks by May 1, 2021, and start applying it six months later.

The Commission conducts an annual survey through questionnaires to evaluate the measures taken by member states under the Directive. The questionnaire targets suppliers in various stages of the agricultural and food supply chain covered by the Directive.

The questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be filled out until December 17, 2024. After the deadline, anonymized results will be published on the 'Unfair Trade Practices' section of the Europa website.

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