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GVH Podcast Explores Impact of AI on Competition and Market Dynamics

13.08.2024 | 🇭🇺 Hungarian competition authority

The latest episode of the GVH Podcast featuring Dr. Tóth András discusses the examination of artificial intelligence's effects on market competition and consumer decision-making, including its influence on the use of smaller languages like Hungarian.

The Hungarian Competition Authority's market research on artificial intelligence's impact on market competition and consumer decisions has garnered international interest. Dr. Tóth András, Deputy President of the Hungarian Competition Authority, discusses how AI technologies can affect the prevalence of smaller languages like Hungarian by learning predominantly from major world languages.

The European Union's AI Act, which came into effect on August 1, aims to make AI operations more understandable and transparent. However, concerns have been raised about potential overregulation and the competitive disadvantage it may pose to European businesses.

Dr. Tóth András highlights in the podcast that as more aspects of our lives move online due to AI-driven data processes, it significantly impacts the efficiency aspect of competition among companies. He emphasizes the importance for companies to adapt and increase their efficiency, especially in light of the potential cost implications of AI technology applications under European regulations.

Furthermore, the podcast episode delves into how the application of AI technologies can influence the prevalence of smaller languages like Hungarian in the language development process, raising questions about the market challenges faced in promoting these languages. Dr. Tóth András notes the strong international interest in the GVH's market analysis and unique approach.

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