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Bundeskartellamt Approves Duisport and thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics Joint Venture

16.06.2024 | 🇩🇪 German competition authority

The German competition authority has greenlighted the establishment of a joint venture between the Port of Duisburg and thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics.

The Bundeskartellamt has approved the acquisition of 49% of the shares in thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics by the Port of Duisburg, enabling the creation of a joint venture between the two entities.

Thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics currently provides port services for thyssenkrupp Steel Europe in the Lower Rhine ports, but the joint venture aims to open up handling capacities to third parties, enhancing market competition.

The Bundeskartellamt's President highlighted that duisport's participation in the thyssenkrupp ports will not significantly strengthen its market position as a port operator, as there are numerous competitors in the downstream cargo handling markets in the region.

Despite being the operator of the world's largest inland port, duisport's collaboration with thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics raised no serious competition concerns, with limited access to thyssenkrupp's port infrastructure and a small expected impact on duisport's market position.

The planned joint venture, initially subject to European Commission notification due to high turnovers, was referred to the Bundeskartellamt based on its regional focus. The Commission later transferred the merger control examination to the Bundeskartellamt in April 2024.

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