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19.05.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority
The UK has a rich history of utilizing market investigations to tackle competition problems in sectors like groceries, energy, and funeral services. These investigations have helped pinpoint market failures and enabled the imposition of remedies such as price controls and transparency requirements. Market investigations complement existing competition tools like Articles 101 and 102 of the EU Treaty, particularly in cases of general anti-competitiveness or oligopolistic markets. By implementing forward-looking remedies, market investigations can effectively address competition concerns and safeguard consumer welfare. These investigations have been pivotal in identifying and resolving competition issues in sectors like funerals and retail banking, with a focus on fostering competitive markets to benefit consumers. Understanding the implications of market investigations, including the power to impose remedies and oversee their implementation, is crucial for competition law advisors. Despite not engaging in unlawful activities, businesses may still face costly and reputation-damaging investigations. The forthcoming introduction of pro-competition interventions (PCI) in digital markets is set to offer a more agile approach to tackling market power and driving innovation. Overall, market investigations play a critical role in safeguarding consumers, supporting small enterprises, and promoting economic growth by ensuring fair competition and market efficiency.
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