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24.10.2024 | 🇸🇮 Slovenian competition authority
The Slovenian Competition Authority has initiated proceedings against SPAR SLOVENIJA for potential violations of agricultural laws. The company is accused of exploiting its substantial market power as a buyer of agricultural and food products by allegedly engaging in unfair practices with at least three suppliers.
Specifically, SPAR SLOVENIJA is alleged to have continued transactions with suppliers without formal written contracts for the supply of perishable agricultural and food products, such as apples and lettuce, once the contract value exceeded 15,000 EUR in 2023, contravening the provisions of the agricultural law.
The Authority has called on individuals to provide any relevant information that could assist in the investigation. Confidential information should be clearly marked and submitted separately to ensure its protection.
Furthermore, the Authority is required to maintain the confidentiality of the identity of sources providing information, if disclosure could cause significant harm. The initiation of proceedings does not predetermine the outcome of the investigation.
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