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OECD Competition Week in Paris Highlights Importance of Collaboration

05.12.2024 | 🇭🇺 Hungarian competition authority

The president of Hungary's Competition Authority emphasized the need for mutual dialogue to tackle global challenges during the OECD's Competition Week in Paris.

The OECD's Competition Committee held its winter session in Paris from December 3 to 6, 2024, where experts from Hungary's Competition Authority (GVH) participated actively. Rigó Csaba Balázs, the president of GVH, presented the annual report of the joint Budapest Regional Training Center (ROK) and outlined the program for the upcoming year, both of which were approved by the committee.

During the week, GVH experts contributed to discussions on three key topics: experiences related to mergers, legal practices applied by Hungarian courts in competition cases, and the competitive situation in Hungary's food supply chain. These discussions aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange among participants.

Rigó highlighted the expansion of international relations, noting that Uzbekistan recently joined the list of beneficiary countries supported by the ROK, bringing the total to seventeen. The center, established in February 2005, aims to provide training and support in competition law and policy to competition authorities in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, as well as Central Asia.

In 2024, the ROK has organized six seminars so far, with an additional training scheduled for December. Approximately 250 representatives from 22 countries have participated in these seminars, where 38 expert speakers shared the latest insights in competition law and economics. The beneficiary countries of the ROK include Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Armenia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

The Budapest training center will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, having organized over 150 events attended by around 5,400 experts, including judicial training, leadership meetings, and competition law seminars. The ROK is preparing a full program for 2025, which will include newsletters, educational videos, and seven international seminars.

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